A Message for the nomakenolife Family Regarding COVID-19

22 March 2020 by Jojo

Dear nomakenolife family,

The past few months have been a difficult time for everyone as the world takes steps to halt the spread of the coronavirus, or COVID-19. We understand that many people may have concerns about their purchases, and we'd like to let you know what we've been doing to ensure a safe & clean packaging process.

The Center for Disease Control in the United States has stated that there is no evidence to support the transmission of COVID-19 through imported goods. In addition, there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the US associated with imported goods. All of our employees are wearing masks and gloves while packaging boxes, regularly washing hands, and disinfecting workspaces every hour.  

Despite news about various nations coming to a standstill, postal & shipping services worldwide are doing their best within caution to continue services. As a result, all of our boxes are still being delivered to their destination countries as usual. We are constantly monitoring the global situation though, and we will notify you immediately if there is a major change.

As we stay vigilant about health & cleanliness, we will continue to do our best to bring you joy & happiness through our boxes. Let's all continue to do our part to keep clean and healthy.

We wish for the continued health of you and your loved ones throughout this time.


The nomakenolife Team

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