nomakenolife March 2023 Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!

20 October 2022 by Yvonne

nomakenolife March 2023 Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!

Hello nomakenolife fam,

We are delighted to share with you the exciting news of our latest contest winner. As we move into the summer season, we received an incredible number of entries and it was no easy task to choose the winner! However, after much deliberation, we are pleased to announce the winner of our contest as follows:

  1. Lily-M
  2. Isabelle M
  3. Trinity W
  4. Roberta C
  5. Alexis C

Congratulations to all the winners! Our team will get in touch with you soon to claim the prize, so be sure to check your email and Sitejabber messages regularly.

If you haven’t won this time, don’t give up just yet. You can always join the next Reviewer Contest by leaving a review if you’re already a part of the nomakenolife fam! Good luck.